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RonPub -- Research Online Publishing

RonPub (Research online Publishing) is an academic publisher of online, open access, peer-reviewed journals.  RonPub aims to provide a platform for researchers, developers, educators, and technical managers to share and exchange their research results worldwide.

RonPub Is Open Access:

RonPub publishes all of its journals under the open access model, defined under BudapestBerlin, and Bethesda open access declarations:

  • All articles published by RonPub is fully open access and online available to readers free of charge.  
  • All open access articles are distributed under  Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction free of charge in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited. 
  • Authors retain all copyright to their work.
  • Authors may also publish the publisher's version of their paper on any repository or website. 

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To be able to provide open access journals, RonPub defray publishing cost by charging a one-time publication fee for each accepted article. One of RonPub objectives is providing a fast and high-quality but lower-cost publishing service. In order to ensure that the fee is never a barrier to publication, RonPub offers a fee waiver for authors who do not have funds to cover publication fees. We also offer a partial fee waiver for editors and reviewers of RonPub as as reward for their work. See the respective Journal webpage for the concrete publication fee.

RonPub Publication Criteria

What we are most concerned about is the quality, not quantity, of publications. We only publish high-quality scholarly papers. Publication Criteria describes the criteria that should be met for a contribution to be acceptable for publication in RonPub journals.

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In order to ensure the publishing quality and the reputation of the publisher, it is important that all parties involved in the act of publishing adhere to the standards of the publishing ethical behaviour. To verify the originality of submissions, we use Plagiarism Detection Tools, like Anti-Plagiarism, PaperRater, Viper, to check the content of manuscripts submitted to our journals against existing publications.

RonPub follows the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and deals with the cases of misconduct according to the COPE Flowcharts

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Our publications are archived and permanently-preserved in the German National Library. The publications, which are archived in the German National Library, are not only long-term preserved but also accessible in the future, because the German National Library ensures that digital data saved in the old formats can be viewed and used on current computer systems in the same way they were on the original systems which are long obsolete.

Where is RonPub?

RonPub is a registered corporation in Lübeck, Germany. Lübeck is a beautiful coastal city, owing wonderful sea resorts and sandy beaches as well as good restaurants. It is located in northern Germany and is 60 kilometer away from Hamburg.

Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT)
OJIOT, an open access and peer-reviewed online journal, publishes original and creative research results on the internet of things. OJIOT distributes its articles under the open access model. All articles of OJIOT are fully open access and online available to readers free of charge. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Accepted manuscripts are published online immediately.
Publisher: RonPub UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Lübeck, Germany
Contact: OJIOT Editorial Office
ISSN: 2364-7108
Call for Papers: txtUTF-8 txtASCII pdf
Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT)
OJIOT, an open access and peer-reviewed online journal, publishes original and creative research results on the internet of things. OJIOT distributes its articles under the open access model. All articles of OJIOT are fully open access and online available to readers free of charge. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Accepted manuscripts are published online immediately.
Publisher: RonPub UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Lübeck, Germany
Contact: OJIOT Editorial Office
ISSN: 2364-7108
Call for Papers: txtUTF-8 txtASCII pdf

Aims & Scope

The current internet with its applications like web browsing, emails, social networks and online games is human oriented. It is predicted that real objects will have a much bigger impact in the future internet. Any real object will be accessible and manageable via the internet, and real objects will automatically work in cooperation. This new vision is called as the internet of things (IoT). Realizing this vision offers a new dimension of real world services to the user.

OJIOT publishes regular research papers, short communications, reviews and visionary papers in all aspects of the internet of things. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. 

Short communications reports novel research ideas. The work represented should be technically sound and significantly advancing the state of the art. Short communications also include exploratory studies and methodological articles.

Regular research papers are full original findings with adequate experimental research. They make substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to the research field.  Research papers should be written in as concise a style as possible.

Research reviews are insightful and accessible overview of a certain field of research. They conceptualize research issues, synthesize existing findings and advance the understanding of the field. They may also suggest new research issues and directions.

Visionary papers identify new research issues and future research directions, and describe new research visions 

Topics relevant to this journal include, but are NOT limited to:

  • System architectures for IoT, e.g. 
    • things-centric, 
    • data-centric, 
    • event-centric, and
    • service-centric
  • IoT applications, including e.g.
    • smart homes/offices/cities, 
    • waste management, 
    • continuous care, 
    • emergency response, and 
    • intelligent shopping
  • Nano Technology, including e.g.
    • Nano Networks
    • Nano communication
    • Nano applications
    • Nano computing
    • Internet of Nano Tings
  • IoT programming toolkits and frameworks
  • IoT prototypes and evaluation test-beds
  • Privacy and security
  • IoT management and interoperability
  • Management of IoT streams
  • Enabling technologies and standards for the IoT
  • Spatial and temporal reasoning for IoT
  • Sustainability of IoT platforms, e.g. business models for deployment and maintenance
  • Societal challenges and IoT, e.g. urban planning and decision making tools
  • Ownership of data in IoT scenarios

Author Guidelines

Publication Criteria

Publication Criteria provides important information for authors to prepare their manuscripts with a high possibility of being accepted.

Manuscript Preparation

Please prepare your manuscripts using the manuscript template of the journal. It is available for download as word doc docx and latex version zip. The template describes the format and structure of manuscripts and other necessary information for preparing manuscripts. Manuscripts should be written in English. There is no restriction on the length of manuscripts.


Authors submit their manuscripts following the information on the submit pageAuthors first submit their manuscripts in PDF format. Once a manuscript is accepted, the author then submits the revised manuscript as a PDF file and a word file or latex folder (with all the material necessary to generate the PDF file). The work described in the submitted manuscript must be previously unpublished; it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else. 

Authors are welcome to suggest qualified reviewers for their papers, but this is not mandatory. If the author wants to do so, please provide the name, affiliations and e-mail addresses for all suggested reviewers.

Manuscript Status

After submission of manuscripts, authors will receive an email to confirm receipt of manuscripts. Subsequent enquiries concerning paper progress should be sent to the email address of the journal.

Review Procedure

OJIOT is committed to enforcing a rigorous peer-review process. All manuscripts submitted for publication in OJIOT are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed. When a manuscript is submitted, the editor-in-chief assigns it to an appropriate editor who will be in charge of the review process of the manuscript. The editor first suggests potential reviewers and then organizes the peer-reviewing herself/himself or entrusts it to the editor office. For each manuscript, typically three review reports will be collected. The editor and the editor-in-chief evaluate the manuscript itself and the review reports and make an accept/revision/reject decision. Authors will be informed with the decision and reviewing results within 6-8 weeks on average after the manuscript submission. In the case of revision, authors are required to perform an adequate revision to address the concerns from evaluation reports. A second round of peer-review will be performed if necessary.

Accepted manuscripts are published online immediately.


Authors publishing with RonPub open journals retain the copyright to their work. 

All articles published by RonPub is fully open access and online available to readers free of charge.  RonPub publishes all open access articles under the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction freely, provided that the original work is properly cited.

Digital Archiving Policy

Our publications have been archived and permanently-preserved in the German National Library. The publications, which are archived in the German National Library, are not only long-term preserved but also accessible in the future, because the German National Library ensures that digital data saved in the old formats can be viewed and used on current computer systems in the same way they were on the original systems which are long obsolete. Further measures will be taken if necessary. Furthermore, we also encourage our authors to self-archive their articles published on the website of RonPub.

Publication Ethics Statement

In order to ensure the publishing quality and the reputation of the journal, it is important that all parties involved in the act of publishing adhere to the standards of the publishing ethical behaviour. To verify the originality of submissions, we use Plagiarism Detection Tools, like Anti-Plagiarism, PaperRater, Viper, to check the content of manuscripts submitted to our journals against existing publications.

Our journal follows the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and deals with the cases of misconduct according to the COPE Flowcharts

Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT-2021)

Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2021) is an international workshop in conjunction with the 2021 VLDB Conference in Copenhagen, Danmark. The proceedings of VLIoT@VLDB 2021 are published in the Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT) as special issue.


An increasing number of real-world objects are becoming accessible and manageable through the Internet. According to Statista, the number of these devices is approximately 30 billion by 2020, forming a very large Internet of Things (VLIoT). This massive number of "smart" objects will cooperate with each other, have their own metadata, and may continuously produce new data (in form of events, sensor data, or actuator states). Data management will be a major challenge in the very large Internet of Things. Hence, efficient IoT infrastructure and technologies must be developed to handle masses of IoT data with high performance. This will include: new techniques to filter and store relevant data; efficient replication approaches for objects with constrained resources in order to increase availability and durability; new protocols for voting about decisions among objects; and smooth integration of heterogeneous objects.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners working in the field of IoT and to allow them to report and exchange their findings addressing these challenges. This workshop also intends to discuss other closely-related technologies such as Nanotechnology, Fog-, Edge-, and Dew-Computing for IoT. The ideas of Fog, Edge and Dew Computing may indeed solve or attenuate the problems of a very large Internet of Things (w.r.t. performance, energy-efficiency, as well as security and privacy aspects).

Types of Papers

We are interested in contributions describing original ideas, promising new concepts, and practical experience. In particular, we solicit papers of different types:

  • Research Papers proposing new approaches, theories or techniques related to Internet of Things, including new data structures, algorithms, whole systems, and frameworks. They should make substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to the research field.
  • Experiments and Analysis Papers focusing on the experimental evaluation of existing approaches including data structures and algorithms for Internet of Things and bring new insights through the analysis of these experiments. Results of experiments and analysis papers can be, for example, showing benefits of well-known approaches in new settings and environments, opening new research problems by demonstrating unexpected behavior or phenomena, or comparing a set of traditional approaches in an experimental survey.
  • Application Papers reporting practical experiences on Internet of Things applications. Application papers might describe specific application domains in the IoT such as smart homes/offices/cities, continuous health care, waste management, emergency response, intelligent response, and Industry 4.0.
  • Vision Papers identifying emerging or future research issues and directions, and describing new research visions in the IoT area that may have a great impact on our society.

Topics of Interest

We expect original, high-quality papers, including but NOT limited to the following topics:

  • Semantic IoT
  • Privacy-by-design and security-by-design in IoT
  • System architectures for IoT, including
    • things-centric
    • data-centric
    • event-centric
    • service-centric
  • IoT applications, including:
    • smart homes/offices/cities
    • waste management
    • health care
    • emergency response
    • intelligent shopping
  • Nano Technology, including:
    • Nano Networks
    • Nano communication
    • Nano applications
    • Nano computing
    • Internet of Nano Things
  • IoT programming toolkits and frameworks
  • IoT prototypes and evaluation test-beds
  • IoT data mining and analytics
  • IoT management and interoperability
  • Management of IoT streams
  • Enabling technologies and standards for the IoT
  • Spatial and temporal reasoning for IoT
  • Sustainability of IoT platforms, e.g. business models for deployment and maintenance
  • Societal challenges and IoT, e.g. urban planning and decision making tools
  • Ownership of data in IoT scenarios
  • Fog, Edge and Dew Computing for IoT
  • IoT benchmarks and performance measurement
  • Indexing and search in IoT environments
  • IoT transactions, concurrency control and recovery
  • Hardware accelerators and energy savers for IoT applications and core infrastructure
  • IoT discovery of devices, services and data

Guest Editors

  • Sven Groppe, University of Lübeck, Germany
  • Weizhi Meng, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 25-03-2021
  • Author Notification: 31-05-2021
Articles (total number of downloads: 24262, total number of citations: 10)tex xml rdf rss

 Open Access 

Overview of the 2021 Edition of the Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2021)

Sven Groppe, Weizhi Meng

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 18-22, 2021, Downloads: 1918

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919330413733202 | GNL-LP: 1240130414 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT) workshop aims at discussing the solutions of problems arising especially for large-scale Internet-of-Things (IoT) configurations. After online conferences and workshops are becoming the normal mode for running scientific events, after continuously monitoring the global COVID-19 pandemic this year with falling incidence rates in the last times due to vaccination successes, the workshop changes the format the first time to a hybrid event. This ensures that still problems are overcome like travel restrictions, but offers face-to-face discussions among those going to the local event. A hybrid format has still chances like an increased number of participants, less travel burdens and saving budget, but offers the possibility for going to the local event already for a large portion of the participants. Hence we received many high-quality submissions, from which we accepted 9 to be introduced in this editorial.


        title     = {Overview of the 2021 Edition of the Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2021)},
        author    = {Sven Groppe and
                     Weizhi Meng},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {18--22},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919330413733202},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT) workshop aims at discussing the solutions of problems arising especially for large-scale Internet-of-Things (IoT) configurations. After online conferences and workshops are becoming the normal mode for running scientific events, after continuously monitoring the global COVID-19 pandemic this year with falling incidence rates in the last times due to vaccination successes, the workshop changes the format the first time to a hybrid event. This ensures that still problems are overcome like travel restrictions, but offers face-to-face discussions among those going to the local event. A hybrid format has still chances like an increased number of participants, less travel burdens and saving budget, but offers the possibility for going to the local event already for a large portion of the participants. Hence we received many high-quality submissions, from which we accepted 9 to be introduced in this editorial.}

 Open Access 

Video Source Forensics for IoT Devices Based on Convolutional Neural Networks

Dongzhu Rong, Yan Wang, Qindong Sun

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 23-31, 2021, Downloads: 2152, Citations: 1

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919330983129965 | GNL-LP: 1240130422 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: With the wide application of Internet of things devices and the rapid development of multimedia technology, digital video has become one of the important information dissemination carriers among Internet of things devices, and it has been widely used in many fields such as news media, digital forensics and so on. However, the current video editing technology is constantly developing and improving, which seriously threatens the integrity and authenticity of digital video. Therefore, the research on digital video forensics has a great significance. In this paper, a new video source passive forensics algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) is proposed. CNN is used to classify the maximum information block of specified size in video I frame, and then the classification results are fused to determine the camera to which the video belongs. Experimental results show that the recognition algorithm proposed in this paper has a better performance than other methods in trems of accuracy and ROC curve. And our method still can have a good recognition effect even if a small number of I frames are used for recognition.


        title     = {Video Source Forensics for IoT Devices Based on Convolutional Neural Networks},
        author    = {Dongzhu Rong and
                     Yan Wang and
                     Qindong Sun},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {23--31},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919330983129965},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {With the wide application of Internet of things devices and the rapid development of multimedia technology, digital video has become one of the important information dissemination carriers among Internet of things devices, and it has been widely used in many fields such as news media, digital forensics and so on. However, the current video editing technology is constantly developing and improving, which seriously threatens the integrity and authenticity of digital video. Therefore, the research on digital video forensics has a great significance. In this paper, a new video source passive forensics algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) is proposed. CNN is used to classify the maximum information block of specified size in video I frame, and then the classification results are fused to determine the camera to which the video belongs. Experimental results show that the recognition algorithm proposed in this paper has a better performance than other methods in trems of accuracy and ROC curve. And our method still can have a good recognition effect even if a small number of I frames are used for recognition.}

 Open Access 

Realizing the Digital Twin Transition for Smart Cities

Jonathan Fürst, Bin Cheng, Benjamin Hebgen

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 32-42, 2021, Downloads: 2994, Citations: 2

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919331474662784 | GNL-LP: 1240130449 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The digital twin transition for cities is expected to improve, among others, living quality, carbon footprint and generate new business opportunities across different organizations. However, as cities consist of many separate entities that are in close and frequent interaction with each other, it is not possible to simply apply digital twin concepts from the engineering and manufacturing domains in a silo-ed fashion for each entity. In this paper, we distill the requirements and challenges to develop digital twins for smart cities based on a typical smart city use case. We follow with a first systematic approach to address them in a data-driven fashion to realize the digital twin transition for cities.


        title     = {Realizing the Digital Twin Transition for Smart Cities},
        author    = {Jonathan F{\"u}rst and
                     Bin Cheng and
                     Benjamin Hebgen},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {32--42},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919331474662784},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The digital twin transition for cities is expected to improve, among others, living quality, carbon footprint and generate new business opportunities across different organizations. However, as cities consist of many separate entities that are in close and frequent interaction with each other, it is not possible to simply apply digital twin concepts from the engineering and manufacturing domains in a silo-ed fashion for each entity. In this paper, we distill the requirements and challenges to develop digital twins for smart cities based on a typical smart city use case. We follow with a first systematic approach to address them in a data-driven fashion to realize the digital twin transition for cities.}

 Open Access 

A Mobile and Web Platform for Crowdsourcing OBD-II Vehicle Data

Giuseppe Loseto, Filippo Gramegna, Agnese Pinto, Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 43-58, 2021, Downloads: 2399, Citations: 1

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919332057007441 | GNL-LP: 1240130457 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: On-Board Diagnostics 2 (OBD-II) protocol allows monitoring vehicle status parameters. Analyzing them is highly useful for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) research, applications and services. Unfortunately, large-scale OBD datasets are not publicly available due to the effort of producing them as well as due to competitiveness in the automotive sector. This paper proposes a framework to enable a worldwide crowdsourcing approach to the generation of OBD-II data, similarly to OpenStreetMap (OSM) for cartography. The proposal comprises: (i) an extension of the GPX data format for route logging, augmented with OBD-II parameters; (ii) a fork of an open source Android OBD-II data logger to store and upload route traces, and (iii) a Web platform extending the OSM codebase to support storage, search and editing of traces with embedded OBD data. A full platform prototype has been developed and early scalability tests have been carried out in various workloads to assess the sustainability of the proposal.


        title     = {A Mobile and Web Platform for Crowdsourcing OBD-II Vehicle Data},
        author    = {Giuseppe Loseto and
                     Filippo Gramegna and
                     Agnese Pinto and
                     Michele Ruta and
                     Floriano Scioscia},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {43--58},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919332057007441},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {On-Board Diagnostics 2 (OBD-II) protocol allows monitoring vehicle status parameters. Analyzing them is highly useful for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) research, applications and services. Unfortunately, large-scale OBD datasets are not publicly available due to the effort of producing them as well as due to competitiveness in the automotive sector. This paper proposes a framework to enable a worldwide crowdsourcing approach to the generation of OBD-II data, similarly to OpenStreetMap (OSM) for cartography. The proposal comprises: (i) an extension of the GPX data format for route logging, augmented with OBD-II parameters; (ii) a fork of an open source Android OBD-II data logger to store and upload route traces, and (iii) a Web platform extending the OSM codebase to support storage, search and editing of traces with embedded OBD data. A full platform prototype has been developed and early scalability tests have been carried out in various workloads to assess the sustainability of the proposal.}

 Open Access 

Streaming Data through the IoT via Actor-Based Semantic Routing Trees

Dimitrios Giouroukis, Johannes Jestram, Steffen Zeuch, Volker Markl

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 59-70, 2021, Downloads: 2488

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919332566828749 | GNL-LP: 1240130473 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the usage of resources at the edge of the network for various data management tasks that are traditionally executed in the cloud. However, the heterogeneity of devices and communication methods in a multi-tiered IoT environment (cloud/fog/edge) exacerbates the problem of deciding which nodes to use for processing and how to route data. In addition, both decisions cannot be made only statically for the entire lifetime of an application, as an IoT environment is highly dynamic and nodes in the same topology can be both stationary and mobile as well as reliable and volatile. As a result of these different characteristics, an IoT data management system that spans across all tiers of an IoT network cannot meet the same availability assumptions for all its nodes. To address the problem of choosing ad-hoc which nodes to use and include in a processing workload, we propose a networking component that uses a-priori as well as ad-hoc routing information from the network. Our approach, called Rime, relies on keeping track of nodes at the gateway level and exchanging routing information with other nodes in the network. By tracking nodes while the topology evolves in a geo-distributed manner, we enable efficient communication even in the case of frequent node failures. Our evaluation shows that Rime keeps in check communication costs and message transmissions by reducing unnecessary message exchange by up to 82:65%.


        title     = {Streaming Data through the IoT via Actor-Based Semantic Routing Trees},
        author    = {Dimitrios Giouroukis and
                     Johannes Jestram and
                     Steffen Zeuch and
                     Volker Markl},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {59--70},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919332566828749},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the usage of resources at the edge of the network for various data management tasks that are traditionally executed in the cloud. However, the heterogeneity of devices and communication methods in a multi-tiered IoT environment (cloud/fog/edge) exacerbates the problem of deciding which nodes to use for processing and how to route data. In addition, both decisions cannot be made only statically for the entire lifetime of an application, as an IoT environment is highly dynamic and nodes in the same topology can be both stationary and mobile as well as reliable and volatile. As a result of these different characteristics, an IoT data management system that spans across all tiers of an IoT network cannot meet the same availability assumptions for all its nodes. To address the problem of choosing ad-hoc which nodes to use and include in a processing workload, we propose a networking component that uses a-priori as well as ad-hoc routing information from the network. Our approach, called Rime, relies on keeping track of nodes at the gateway level and exchanging routing information with other nodes in the network. By tracking nodes while the topology evolves in a geo-distributed manner, we enable efficient communication even in the case of frequent node failures. Our evaluation shows that Rime keeps in check communication costs and message transmissions by reducing unnecessary message exchange by up to 82:65\%.}

 Open Access 

Monitoring of Stream Processing Engines Beyond the Cloud: An Overview

Xenofon Chatziliadis, Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou, Steffen Zeuch, Volker Markl

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 71-82, 2021, Downloads: 2830, Citations: 1

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919333128288412 | GNL-LP: 1240130481 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly growing into a network of billions of interconnected physical devices that constantly stream data. To enable data-driven IoT applications, data management systems like NebulaStream have emerged that manage and process data streams, potentially in combination with data at rest, in a heterogeneous distributed environment of cloud and edge devices. To perform internal optimizations, an IoT data management system requires a monitoring component that collects system metrics of the underlying infrastructure and application metrics of the running processing tasks. In this paper, we explore the applicability of existing cloud-based monitoring solutions for stream processing engines in an IoT environment. To this end, we provide an overview of commonly used approaches, discuss their design, and outline their suitability for the IoT. Furthermore, we experimentally evaluate different monitoring scenarios in an IoT environment and highlight bottlenecks and inefficiencies of existing approaches. Based on our study, we show the need for novel monitoring solutions for the IoT and define a set of requirements.


        title     = {Monitoring of Stream Processing Engines Beyond the Cloud: An Overview},
        author    = {Xenofon Chatziliadis and
                     Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou and
                     Steffen Zeuch and
                     Volker Markl},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {71--82},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919333128288412},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly growing into a network of billions of interconnected physical devices that constantly stream data. To enable data-driven IoT applications, data management systems like NebulaStream have emerged that manage and process data streams, potentially in combination with data at rest, in a heterogeneous distributed environment of cloud and edge devices. To perform internal optimizations, an IoT data management system requires a monitoring component that collects system metrics of the underlying infrastructure and application metrics of the running processing tasks. In this paper, we explore the applicability of existing cloud-based monitoring solutions for stream processing engines in an IoT environment. To this end, we provide an overview of commonly used approaches, discuss their design, and outline their suitability for the IoT. Furthermore, we experimentally evaluate different monitoring scenarios in an IoT environment and highlight bottlenecks and inefficiencies of existing approaches. Based on our study, we show the need for novel monitoring solutions for the IoT and define a set of requirements.}

 Open Access 

Massive Wireless Energy Transfer with Multiple Power Beacons for Very Large Internet of Things

Osmel Martinez Rosabal, Onel L. Alcaraz Lopez, Hirley Alves, Richard D. Souza, Samuel Montejo-Sanchez

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 83-92, 2021, Downloads: 2275

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919333702287224 | GNL-LP: 124013049X | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) comprises an increasing number of low-power and low-cost devices that autonomously interact with the surrounding environment. As a consequence of their popularity, future IoT deployments will be massive, which demands energy-efficient systems to extend their lifetime and improve the user experience. Radio frequency wireless energy transfer has the potential of powering massive IoT networks, thus eliminating the need for frequent battery replacement by using the so-called power beacons (PBs). In this paper, we provide a framework for minimizing the sum transmit power of the PBs using devices' positions information and their current battery state. Our strategy aims to reduce the PBs' power consumption and to mitigate the possible impact of the electromagnetic radiation on human health. We also present analytical insights for the case of very distant clusters and evaluate their applicability. Numerical results show that our proposed framework reduces the outage probability as the number of PBs and/or the energy demands increase.


        title     = {Massive Wireless Energy Transfer with Multiple Power Beacons for Very Large Internet of Things},
        author    = {Osmel Martinez Rosabal and
                     Onel L. Alcaraz Lopez and
                     Hirley Alves and
                     Richard D. Souza and
                     Samuel Montejo-Sanchez},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {83--92},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919333702287224},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The Internet of Things (IoT) comprises an increasing number of low-power and low-cost devices that autonomously interact with the surrounding environment. As a consequence of their popularity, future IoT deployments will be massive, which demands energy-efficient systems to extend their lifetime and improve the user experience. Radio frequency wireless energy transfer has the potential of powering massive IoT networks, thus eliminating the need for frequent battery replacement by using the so-called power beacons (PBs). In this paper, we provide a framework for minimizing the sum transmit power of the PBs using devices' positions information and their current battery state. Our strategy aims to reduce the PBs' power consumption and to mitigate the possible impact of the electromagnetic radiation on human health. We also present analytical insights for the case of very distant clusters and evaluate their applicability. Numerical results show that our proposed framework reduces the outage probability as the number of PBs and/or the energy demands increase.}

 Open Access 

Network Metrics Detection to Support Internet of Things Application Orchestration

Thamires C. Luz, Cintia B. Margi, Fabio L. Verdi

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 93-103, 2021, Downloads: 2271, Citations: 2

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919334207736575 | GNL-LP: 1240130503 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Software DefinedWireless Sensor Networks (SDWSN) play an important role to serve as an infrastructure to Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In order to improve coverage, reduce costs, and make better use of the available resources, sharing the infrastructure among multiple applications is necessary. Works in the literature aim to enable resource sharing by allocating applications dynamically according to the resources available on the node. However, these works do not monitor if a node stops complying with application requirements once the application is allocated. Thus, network metrics detection is essential to identify nodes that are not able to comply with the application requirements. In this paper, we present the IT-SDN Manager architecture which is composed of a monitoring module and a resource orchestrator. The monitoring module monitors the network metrics, enabling the orchestrator to identify nodes that reach a certain threshold for energy available and packet loss. This threshold configuration depends on the metric characteristics. For packet loss, we present a study showing how it should be defined according to the network size and applications executed in the network. In order to evaluate the orchestrator detection rate, we set two application requirements to identify nodes that reach 90% of available energy and packet loss greater than the obtained threshold for each scenario studied. Results from the simulations executed show that the resource orchestrator detects all the nodes that reach the available energy threshold, and at least 85%, with an average of 97%, of the nodes that reach the packet loss threshold.


        title     = {Network Metrics Detection to Support Internet of Things Application Orchestration},
        author    = {Thamires C. Luz and
                     Cintia B. Margi and
                     Fabio L. Verdi},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {93--103},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919334207736575},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Software DefinedWireless Sensor Networks (SDWSN) play an important role to serve as an infrastructure to Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In order to improve coverage, reduce costs, and make better use of the available resources, sharing the infrastructure among multiple applications is necessary. Works in the literature aim to enable resource sharing by allocating applications dynamically according to the resources available on the node. However, these works do not monitor if a node stops complying with application requirements once the application is allocated. Thus, network metrics detection is essential to identify nodes that are not able to comply with the application requirements. In this paper, we present the IT-SDN Manager architecture which is composed of a monitoring module and a resource orchestrator. The monitoring module monitors the network metrics, enabling the orchestrator to identify nodes that reach a certain threshold for energy available and packet loss. This threshold configuration depends on the metric characteristics. For packet loss, we present a study showing how it should be defined according to the network size and applications executed in the network. In order to evaluate the orchestrator detection rate, we set two application requirements to identify nodes that reach 90\% of available energy and packet loss greater than the obtained threshold for each scenario studied. Results from the simulations executed show that the resource orchestrator detects all the nodes that reach the available energy threshold, and at least 85\%, with an average of 97\%, of the nodes that reach the packet loss threshold.}

 Open Access 

Data-Centric Edge Federation: A Multi-Edge Architecture for Data Stream Processing of IoT Applications

Tiago C. S. Xavier, Paulo F. Pires, Flavia C. Delicato

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 104-115, 2021, Downloads: 2434, Citations: 2

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919334774324679 | GNL-LP: 1240130511 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications demand data stream processing with low latency and high processing power. Although the cloud naturally provides huge processing capacity, high latency to move data to the datacenter is prohibitive. Edge computing is a recent paradigm where part of computing and storage resources are pushed from the cloud to the edge of the network. In edge computing, edge providers manage their resources near to IoT devices to meet low latency application requirements and reduce the network core bandwidth. To reach the maximum potential of edge computing, a big challenge is to promote the cooperation between edge providers. Currently, edge computing architectures are severely limited for providing cooperation mechanisms between distinct edge providers. In this paper, we propose a edge federation to leverage the cooperation between different edge providers. The edge federation uses interest information propagated in data streams that travel between edge providers to allow an stakeholder to react to inefficient resource allocation and service provision. The main objective of the federation is to create a consortium of edge providers to provide cooperation mechanisms and define and standardize the application interests. The proposed edge federation is (i) data-centric, since edge providers can share common interests and data and, thus, establish cooperation to increase the capacity to provide services for applications; (ii) distributed, since no assumption is made concerning the geo-location of the edge providers and their logical connections; (iii) opportunistic, because an edge provider can react dynamically to the environment change ; (iv) scalable, since the edge provider has the ability to analyze a data flow passing by its infrastructure and make decisions to increase network performance locally, which impacts the global performance


        title     = {Data-Centric Edge Federation: A Multi-Edge Architecture for Data Stream Processing of IoT Applications},
        author    = {Tiago C. S. Xavier and
                     Paulo F. Pires and
                     Flavia C. Delicato},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {104--115},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919334774324679},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications demand data stream processing with low latency and high processing power. Although the cloud naturally provides huge processing capacity, high latency to move data to the datacenter is prohibitive. Edge computing is a recent paradigm where part of computing and storage resources are pushed from the cloud to the edge of the network. In edge computing, edge providers manage their resources near to IoT devices to meet low latency application requirements and reduce the network core bandwidth. To reach the maximum potential of edge computing, a big challenge is to promote the cooperation between edge providers. Currently, edge computing architectures are severely limited for providing cooperation mechanisms between distinct edge providers. In this paper, we propose a edge federation to leverage the cooperation between different edge providers. The edge federation uses interest information propagated in data streams that travel between edge providers to allow an stakeholder to react to inefficient resource allocation and service provision. The main objective of the federation is to create a consortium of edge providers to provide cooperation mechanisms and define and standardize the application interests. The proposed edge federation is (i) data-centric, since edge providers can share common interests and data and, thus, establish cooperation to increase the capacity to  provide services for applications; (ii) distributed, since no assumption is made concerning the geo-location of the edge providers and their logical connections; (iii) opportunistic, because an edge provider can react dynamically to the environment change ; (iv) scalable, since the edge provider has the ability to analyze a data flow passing by its infrastructure and make decisions to increase network performance locally, which impacts the global performance}

 Open Access 

Building Next Generation IoT Infrastructure for Enabling M2M Crypto Economy

Suat Mercan, Kemal Akkaya

Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 7(1), Pages 116-124, 2021, Downloads: 2501, Citations: 1

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919335284680103 | GNL-LP: 1240130538 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are becoming part of our lives, there is a growing interest to enable using them in our daily lives even for micropayments. This interest stems from many factors including privacy, convenience and overhead/fraud that comes with credit cards. In this regard, Internet of Things (IoT) devices can also benefit from this feature for enabling touchless payments for users. However, there is even a bigger opportunity there considering the nature and diversity of very large-scale unattended IoT devices. The integration of any IoT device with blockchain including cryptocurrencies and smart contracts can trigger a machine-to-machine (M2M) economy revolution by streamlining business among IoT devices. Under such a future business model, IoT devices can autonomously request a service and make a payment in return. Such a large-scale ecosystem should rely on various components thus requiring a paradigm shift on the current design and understanding of the IoT systems. In particular, decentralized architecture of blockchain with cryptocurrency and smart contract capability can be a key enabler. In this vision paper, we advocate the need and necessary elements of a M2M crypto economy infrastructure and investigate the role of blockchain in realizing this vision. We specifically focus on the advantages and challenges of blockchain-based systems along with the existing proposed solutions. We then offer several future directions in creating such a M2M economy.


        title     = {Building Next Generation IoT Infrastructure for Enabling M2M Crypto Economy},
        author    = {Suat Mercan and
                     Kemal Akkaya},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT)},
        issn      = {2364-7108},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {116--124},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021082919335284680103},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are becoming part of our lives, there is a growing interest to enable using them in our daily lives even for micropayments. This interest stems from many factors including privacy, convenience and overhead/fraud that comes with credit cards. In this regard, Internet of Things (IoT) devices can also benefit from this feature for enabling touchless payments for users. However, there is even a bigger opportunity there considering the nature and diversity of very large-scale unattended IoT devices. The integration of any IoT device with blockchain including cryptocurrencies and smart contracts can trigger a machine-to-machine (M2M) economy revolution by streamlining business among IoT devices. Under such a future business model, IoT devices can autonomously request a service and make a payment in return. Such a large-scale ecosystem should rely on various components thus requiring a paradigm shift on the current design and understanding of the IoT systems. In particular, decentralized architecture of blockchain with cryptocurrency and smart contract capability can be a key enabler. In this vision paper, we advocate the need and necessary elements of a M2M crypto economy infrastructure and investigate the role of blockchain in realizing this vision. We specifically focus on the advantages and challenges of blockchain-based systems along with the existing proposed solutions. We then offer several future directions in creating such a M2M economy.}

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